NSC Open Show – September 2014
Judge: Mr Chris Lewis

With the recent passing of Rosie Lewis it was fitting that all present joined in with a celebratory round of applause and cheering in her memory. Chris had his own special tribute to Rosie, he wore a flower in his buttonhole from a rose bush in their garden which had been given to them by Saluki Welfare and named after Rosie.
Full details of the results can be found on the Northern Saluki Club website.

The Club is running a Seminar and Assessment for those who intend to undertake judging of the Saluki. It is being held on March 22nd at The Lady Margaret Hall, Welbeck, Nr Worksop.
The seminar is being led by two very knowledgeable saluki owner/breeders, who will talk you through the breed history and the Breed Standard. Those wishing to be assessed for the NSC Judging Lists will be considered by a very experienced panel of Championship Show Judges in the afternoon session. January 15th is the closing date for applications from NSC Members.
For further details or to apply for assessment please contact John Walton Haddon :
john@ilsham.f9.co.uk or 01909 731565

Answers to Quiz
1 C. Kelb
2 A. Hare and Gazelle
3 B. 1923
4 C. 1978
5 B. 1925
6 C. 18 February 2005
7 C. 12 – 14 years
8 C. A mixture of both
9 C. 1891
10 A. Around 2000 dogs

We are considering a congratulations column in future editions but are conscious that it is so easy to miss someone’s win and cause offence, so if you would like your success to be listed please write in and let us know …….. Or would you rather not have any and keep the Newsletter for more general Saluki issues? It is your Newsletter – please respond to any requests for views and opinions and don’t be afraid to send any articles, poems, jokes etc to share with other Salukiphiles

Jan 11th Closing Date for application for Points Trophies
Jan 15th Closing Date for Year Book Adverts
Closing Date for Seminar Applications by NSC Members
Feb 14th Closing Date for Secretary to receive items for the AGM Agenda
Feb 22nd SGHC Limit Show
Mar 15th NSC AGM at Shirland Village Hall at 1.00pm
Mar 20th Closing date for entry to NSC Ch. show
Mar 22nd NSC Seminar at Lady Margaret Hall, Welbeck, Nottinghamshire
Mar 31st Last day for Annual Subscriptions
Apr 19th NSC Champ Show, Judge: Karin Hedberg (Sweden)
Jun 13th SGHC Open Show
Sept 19th NSC Open Show

An “Unverified” Saluki
Earlier this year we received a request from a gentleman to confirm that his dog was a pure bred saluki.
On requesting further details, it turned out that this gentleman had always wanted a desert bred Saluki, so at great expense he had imported one from the Saluki Breeding Centre in the Middle East. On trying to register it with the KC, none of the salukis in its breed line were recognised by them, hence they needed the opinion of 2 KC Championship show Saluki Breed Judges.
So it was one evening that we traipsed off to Services on the A1, met up with Denise Rogers, eventually meeting the gentleman with the imported saluki. He was able to produce some impressive paperwork from the Saluki Breeding Centre, including a pedigree on which, of course, all the dogs were unfamiliar to us. His bitch, which was unlike anything you would find in a UK show ring, was very narrow in front and not much wider at the rear, there were also dew claws on the hind legs. We were satisfied that there were sufficient ‘Saluki’ traits in the bitch for us to be able to
confirm that in our opinion the specimen before us was a pure bred saluki.
It was an interesting experience and brought home the fact of the incredible diversity within the saluki breed.
J W Haddon

The AGM of the Northern Saluki Club will be held on Sunday March 15th 2015, commencing at 1.00pm, at Shirland Village Hall, Shirland, Nr.Alfreton, Derbyshire. DE55 6BB.
Items for the agenda are to be with the Secretary, Mr J Owen, 195 Heanor Rd, Ilkeston, Derbys DE7 8TA by Saturday 14th February 2015.
The agenda will be available on the NSC Website www.northernsalukiclub.co.uk from 5th March 2015, hard copies can be acquired directly from the Secretary on application after this date.
Nominations are required for Officers & Committee.
Agenda Item: Rule Amendment – as follows “All co-owners of a winning dog or bitch must be members of the Club before being eligible to claim a trophy awarded at any show”

It’s very cold outside but I’m curled up in front of a lovely warm fire, just as Salukis are entitled to be. Good gracious, whatever is this they are bringing in to my room? Well, I knew they thought a lot about me but how very kind of them to bring in a lovely tree planted in a tub of soil to save me going out in the cold whenever I want to ‘spend a penny’ It would be very churlish of me not to try it out – like throwing kindness in their face. Of course I will wait until they have gone out of the room, a dog must have some privacy! This tree smells a bit odd – must be the first to use it. Ah, here they come again, wonder if they will notice I have already made use of their gift. Ouch, now why did they do that? It really is difficult to understand some people -they give me a nice tree then suddenly push me out into the garden – quite illogical! Thank goodness I’m back in the warm again, but what are they doing now? Putting all sorts of
coloured things onto the branches, lots of baubles and some shiny stuff hanging down. Better investigate I suppose. These balls don’t feel like the ones I throw around the garden – oh there’s something inside – chocolate, yummy, and there are more near the top – oops! They didn’t plant the tree very firmly did they all I did was put my front legs on a branch. They call this the season of good will then banish me to the kitchen ….. Well it might not be so bad, with a bit of thought and my Saluki ingenuity I could have a little peek in the fridge and sample the turkey…..

Please send any articles for the next newsletter to: John & Adele Walton Haddon,

Caudle Meadows, Wigthorpe Lane, Wigthorpe, Worksop, Notts S81 8BU email:haddon@ilsham.f9.co.uk
The views expressed in this newsletter are those of individual contributors and do not necessarily reflect those of the Northern Saluki Club