The Northern Saluki Club promote all aspects of the health of Salukis.

Saluki Health

The saluki is a naturally healthy breed with a life expectancy of 12 to 14 years. We aim to keep it that way.

Breed Health Surveys: The last survey was carried out in 2013: view here

The next survey is planned for 2021.

The latest Kennel Club Breed Health Survey can be viewed here

Three most prevalent fatal health conditions

The most prevalent causes of death, analysed from the survey were:

  1. Cancer view here.
  2. Heart disease view here . Over the last few years the actions of the breed clubs and breeders have succeeded in considerably reducing incidence in the last few years.
  3. Old age.

Specific health concerns

The health survey did not identify any particularly prevalent conditions; view here: see section on  morbidity.

A small number of cases of autoimmune hypothyroidism have been identified over the last 5 years. We are also aware of a few likely carriers of this heritable disease. A new voluntary code of breeding has been agreed between the Kennel Club, Saluki or Gazelle Hound Club and the Northern saluki Club, to help ensure a reduced incidence in the future: view here

, and here

My Dog has/had a health condition”

Please advise your breed health coordinator (

Your data will be treated with complete confidentiality by the BHC and the AHT. Your information is vital in assisting health action plans for future generations.

Saluki DNA Database

The Animal Health Trust (AHT) is maintaining a Saluki DNA Database which will enable them to undertake research into problems our breed may encounter in the future. We need as many owners as possible to participate to make this work as useful as possible. It is particularly important to store DNA from dogs closely related to dogs affected by a potentially inherited condition, and those which are bred from.

We also hope to achieve a full sequencing of the saluki genome in the near future: see here

Saluki complete blood count (CBC)

The Saluki CBC is similar to greyhounds. These differ from most other breeds. It is a common laboratory test, prior to surgery, and as a diagnostic aid :results here. It is particularly important for your vet to understand the implications on anaesthesia.


There is presently considerable debate relating to raw or non raw diets, and on the effects of grain free dog food. Advice will be added here in the near future ;More here

Especially for Breeders

Kennel club Coefficient of inbreeding tool click here

Saluki Voluntary breeding code here

Breed Health Coordinator (BHC)

Your current BHC is John Davies who can be contacted at for any information or advice you may need.

BHC Blog here

Published papers

Click here to view